Regulatory Process and Project Schedule

Learn more about the process and timing of the project.

Regulatory Process and Project Schedule:

Xcel Energy is proposing to use the Commission’s minor route alteration process for this project as it will modify the existing structures by adding a new wire on the current structures compared to building an entirely new line which would require us to identify a new route and acquire new Right of Way.

When the Commission approved building the structures as double-circuit capable, they also required the utility proposing the second circuit to submit a Certificate of Need for evaluation. The Certificate of Need evaluates the size, type, and timing of a new project, as well as the energy forecasts, cost data, and alternatives that may address the project need.

We expect to file a Certificate of Need in the summer of 2023 with a decision expected by the Commission in the first quarter of 2024. Construction could begin in the second quarter of 2024.

We will work closely with landowners to discuss accessing property to conduct surveys and engineering analysis, as well as construction activities. More details on that process will come in the future as the project moves forward.